Ganesh Shloka

Sarva Vighnopashaanthaye (vighna upa shantaye)

sarva -- all ; vighna -- obstacles ; upa -- near ; shantaye --silence or bliss

(For removing all obstacles, to bring peace)

Simple Translation

O lord, who adorns the white garment, who is all pervading ,

who is of moon or white colour, who has four hands,

who bears a happy face,

we pray to please remove all obstacles

Translation from our class

One who is dressed in white,

One who is omnipresent,

One who shines like the moon,

One with four arms,

One who is always smiling,

To that almighty Lord Ganesha,

We pray to clear all the obstacles whether material

or spiritual in our way.

FOR 5TH GRADE AND UP ( Deeper meaning)

shukla = pure, spotless, bright, white

ambara = garment, sky

dharam = holding, bearing, wearing

vishnum = all pervading, lord Vishnu, ever conscious

Oh pure, spotless, all pervading, ever conscious One;

shashi = moon, white, pure (as a verb it is ever changing and ever new, eternally youthful)

varnam = hue, color

shashi varnam= every object (human beings, plants, all animals, all stellar bodies including planets, asteroids, suns, stars, comets, black holes, in this cosmos including the empty space or absolute void)is hued with that tinge of purity

chatur = four

bhujam = hand, arm, branch, The value of a coordinate on the horizontal axis

chaturbhujam = four coordinates of the axes – which means, three coordinates

x, y, z and the fourth coordinate is time. Omnipresent and ever conscious through all times.

Covering everything in the cosmos, holding the cosmos with serenity, tranquility (Love), all over (omnipresent) and through all times;

prasanna = pleasing, tranquil, pure, serene

vadanam = face, space

prasannavadanam = that space (whole cosmos ) which is full of tranquility, stillness and eternal silence – with full of Love.

dhyayet = meditate

Having a pure space (smiling face) with serenity and tranquility(Love), we meditate upon You

sarva = all, whole

vighna = difficulty, hurdle, obstacle

upa = towards, into, lead to, near

shantaye = (lead to) shanti or bliss

so that you make us whole by removing all our obstacles (which are illusory obstacles) and merge us into or make us one with that infinite bliss. (may we attain Self Realization)

Prasanna Vadanam Dhyaayet

prasanna -- happy ; vadanam -- face ; dhyayeth -- pray, meditate ;

(With smiling face so pleasing, upon you we meditate, we pray)

Shashi Varnam Chatur Bhujam

shashi -- moon, pure, white ; varnam -- colour ; chatur- four ;bhujam --hands

(Moon Hued, shines like the moon and Four armed one)

Shuklaambara Dharam Vishnum

shukla - white ; ambara - garment ; dharam - worn, adorned ; vishnum - all pervading ;

(Dressed in White and all pervading, omnipresent)

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Ganesh Shloka: Prayer to Lord Ganesha